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সেই কবে শঙ্করের সাথে চাঁদের পাহাড়ে যাওয়া।মিশরের পিরামিড থেকে গ্রীসের মাউন্ট অলিম্পাস কিম্বা ভেনিসের জলে ভাসতে ভাসতে ব্যারিটোন ভয়েসে গাওয়া আমরি মিও দোভে স্তাই তু . . দেশ পেড়িয়ে অন্য দেশে স্বপ্নের হাতছানি।
We first drove from Thimphu to a beautiful valley in the Chele-la-pass, which we would have missed if we hadn't gone. After spending some time, we reached Paro, the driver took us to a beautiful hotel, in the evening we...
ExploreMustang is a dream place. It is called Tibetan Plateau. A rustic feeling..Kagbeni and Marfa include small villages, Nepalese people and Tibetans live there. With the weather at minus something degree in December and the strong wind speed makes it...
ExploreThe most attractive temple in Bali is "Tanha Lot Temple" which is the main centre of attraction for tourists. This temple is located on a rock on the Indian Ocean. Even though you are not allowed to go to the...
ExploreOn the south side of the beautiful forest is surrounded by Haor and Rivers, there is a green canopy net and sculpted cane garden. Behind it, there are rows and rows of Jarul-Hijal-Karach with their heads held high. The lakes...
ExploreLet’s talk a little about Devin Castle, this historic castle on the banks of a very beautiful river, you can take a bus number 29 from Bratislava to this castle. Anyway, we were cruising through, we saw all kinds of...