WelcomeWiki Travels

And welcome to Wiki Travels! We believes that there is more to life than a career. People would definitely describe me as a travel addict as I am constantly on the search for new adventures and people around the world. Through this thirst for adventure I have visited obscure corners of the globe, broadened my world view, and come home with some wacky stories to tell at parties.
It's exciting to have you here at Wiki Travels, and if it's your first time, this is a great place to start. We may be a little different to some of the other travel blogs floating around. I am not a career travel blogger and I certainly have not given up my every-day life to travel. So if you're looking for a travel blogger with a new colourful flowing dress per day and endless beaches, this may not be the right URL.


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(Bengali) বেড়িয়ে পরার আগে প্রথমেই প্রশ্ন আসে যেতে পারি কিন্তু কোথায় যাবো ।আরো দূরে নাকি কাছাকাছি কথাও । হাটি হাটি পা পা নাকি হুস করে বিদেশ যাওয়া ।দিমাগ ফুল কনফিউসড ।কনফিউসন কাটিয়ে একবার দেখে নেওয়া চেনা অচেনা জায়গাগুলো কে আর তারপরই " চলো Let’s Go ".

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Kila Raipur Festival -Punjab

((Bengali) Punjab)

(Bengali) June-July


((Bengali) Leh,)

(Bengali) 1st-10th December 2020

Hornbill Festival – Nagaland

((Bengali) Kisima,Nagaland)

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Most RecentMy Scripts

  1. Sandakafu Expedition – Gaurbase Gairbasi

    There is only one Ashiana in the lap of the valley 8600 feet above. You will find love in the trees, in the water, in the sky, the song of hundreds of unfamiliar birds, the dense green hills standing with their heads high; from there the cloud fairies fly and kiss your cheeks. In the midst of the perpetual silence, a very sweet night takes over; Pelv's silent dewdrops lay lovingly on the bed of soft green grass.

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  2. The tale of mother and son in Kaziranga

    Joy keeps following as Rukmini walks. Travellers sitting on her back get a taste of the clear, pollution-free sky lit by the soft light of dawn. The soft green of the surroundings blends into the breathtaking breath. The sound of birds fluttering their wings can be heard from side to side.

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  3. Yellagiri and December!A unique Juggal-Bandi

    First time I came here for three days. I have a habit of walking, it was the month of December, and the cool breeze was blowing all over the place. The distant hills were arranged like waves in the blue sky.Barrelia is also used as a diuretic in countries like Thailand and the Philippines.

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